Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles

Which collapse do we choose?

If we continue business as usual, there is an existential risk for the future of life on our planet. Collapse of our natural climate systems and biodiversity would spell the end for our civilisation as we know it, since it’s survival depends on a stable climate and reliable food and water sources. It would also make it much harder for any future civilisation to take root, as the planet could take thousands of years to recover from the damage we’re inflicting.

Is there an answer to the Meaning Crisis?

I recently watched ‘Breaking Boundaries: The Science of our Planet’ with David Attenborough. The main takeaway is that civilisation as we know it, is on the precipice of collapse if we don’t make significant changes immediately. This decade is the last chance to change our destiny. What is the difference between having meaning in life, …

Doing the inner work. A stack of old books.

My Manifesto

Mission statement and key objectives: To help people discover who they really are and inspire them to do the inner work so they can become the best versions of themselves. This is the human journey. As I walk my own path I wish to share my discoveries in service to others. The aim behind this …