Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 Articles

Which collapse do we choose?

If we continue business as usual, there is an existential risk for the future of life on our planet. Collapse of our natural climate systems and biodiversity would spell the end for our civilisation as we know it, since it’s survival depends on a stable climate and reliable food and water sources. It would also make it much harder for any future civilisation to take root, as the planet could take thousands of years to recover from the damage we’re inflicting.

Science and spirituality

Science, Psychology and Spirituality?

The rift between science and spirituality is gone? What does psychology have to do with this? Let’s explore this new trinity that’s helping humanity evolve. I’m just writing about things that have changed my life for the better. I’m hoping that others will be helped as well. Everyone needs a little help now and then. …