Psychology Science Spirituality

Science, Psychology and Spirituality?

The rift between science and spirituality is gone? What does psychology have to do with this? Let’s explore this new trinity that’s helping humanity evolve. I’m just writing about things that have changed my life for the better. I’m hoping that others will be helped as well. Everyone needs a little help now and then.

The world needs a lot of help, wouldn’t you say? Well, I’m one that believes that real change happens from the inside out. So, if we want the world to be a better place, we have to start with ourselves. Pointing fingers doesn’t accomplish much, but standing up for what’s good and right does. There’s a fine line between these two things and it’s called taking personal responsibility rather than blaming others. So I want to explore how science, psychology and spirituality are working together to help humanity get to a better place.

Religion is not all bad you know, and in the past that’s all we had. Then science came along and said that religion was all wrong, and that started a war of ideas. On the foundation of science doctors started investigating how we think. Psychology has come a long way since Freud, and so has science. Now these two fields have come full circle back to the spiritual side of things.

Jesus, Mystics, Saints and Sages

There is so much confusion about the word ‘spirituality’. It often has woo-woo new age connotations, which is why I point to the age-old mystical traditions. These are present at the core of every religion. Roughly speaking, all religions say the same thing: we have to improve ourselves. We need to look within and clarify some stuff so we can all get along better and be happy.

The psychology element – which could also be called emotional intelligence, is what religion in its best form is ultimately trying to teach us. The balance between loving ourselves and loving each other. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It sounds simple but it’s actually a real hornet’s nest of emotional and historical triggers.

Jesus and other religious icons tried to make us aware of the ‘shadow’ or ‘inner work’ we need to do. They pointed to the fact that we are spirit first, and that our origin is divine love. They taught how we are “meant to be” in our true form. Religious teachings strove to guide us away from the things that corrupt and detract from the heart and spirit of who we really are. Past Holy guides didn’t have scientific reasoning to help them explain how the Universe works. They only had their hearts, words and lifestyle as a way to teach and guide.

Science is Getting Spiritual

One of the great things of the last few centuries is that we can now use reason and logic to inform our understanding of the world. Nowadays, many people subscribe to the dominant materialist viewpoint that if something cannot be proven empirically, then it does not exist. While this has freed humanity from dogma and magical beliefs, it has also turned us into mere machines. The systems we all live in today have been shaped by this kind of thinking.

What cutting edge science is telling us about reality – particularly the science of consciousness – is that at a fundamental level, life is non-material. Consciousness is self-aware and exists in a state of unlimited potential. Both neuroscience and quantum theory are paving the way for a complete transformation in our understanding of reality. Consciousness is the primary reality.

All We Need Is Love

How is this important to help us live optimal human lives? For most people who need to understand something before they can believe it, this is great news as it gives people permission to believe that there is purpose in the universe. Our lives have purpose, we are not just a random accident. What are the implications of this? We are each part of that universal Consciousness. When we look at how beautifully perfect nature is, in its inter-connectivity and abundance, we see profound purpose. If we examine how humanity is evolving (in fits and starts), we also must draw the conclusion that Love has something to do with that purpose. So science is leading us back to love.

Easier said than done. That’s why I’m going down this road and I hope you’ll come along too. Let’s explore the possibilities together. Feel free to leave your comments and ideas below.

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